Tag Archives: intern

Welcome Shay Ungerer, Library Intern

The library’s first intern is here! Meet Shay Ungerer, cartoonist and MCAD student. For the next few months, Shay will be checking books out to patrons, writing about comics, and helping to organize events and promotions. As expected, we talked about comics. Here’s part of the exchange:

What’s the first comic you remember reading?

Bone, by Jeff Smith. They were my favorite books to pick up at the scholastic book fairs, every time there was a new issue I’d try to sneakily read it in class after the event. Big retailers in my area weren’t selling comics yet and there weren’t any comics shops around so these were my first real introduction to the comic book world.

What’s the first comic you really got into?

I read Death Note and that sort of opened the door for me finding webcomics and other accessible comics online. Death Note was the first series I bought all the volumes of.

Is there a comic you used to love that you now dislike?

I was way into Bleach growing up. Tite Kubo’s layouts and inks are still so nice to look at, otherwise it’s something I grew out of a long time ago.


From Bleach by Tite Kubo.

And is there a comic you didn’t get into at first that you now like?

Love & Rockets. Once I really started to appreciate the compositions, the inking, the storytelling (honestly, the everything) I really began to enjoy them. I think in many cases it’s hard starting from the beginning of a body of work after so much time has passed from its initial creation, especially when the art and writing has taken so many new turns.

What’s the last really good comic you read?

I just read episode 1 of Precinct X99: GRWM by Wren McDonald. I’m super excited to see how the world is further developed.

You’re a cartoonist; what books or cartoonists have inspired you?

Michael Cho’s Shoplifter is so beautiful. A solid read. I’ve been into Michael Deforge’s work for a few years now, after getting my hands on a copy of Very Casual. Zak Sally has been huge influence. Sammy the Mouse is so damn good. The composition and storytelling in Mob Psycho 100 by One has also been a huge inspiration.


From Sammy the Mouse by Zak Sally.

What kind of work do you like to make? Where can people see your work?

I like making comics that explore philosophical questions as well as heavier scientific theories. I try to be extra cognizant of how I use shape and form on the pages as well as in my illustrations to guide the eye. Design is key. I often prefer writing narratives with less text, emphasizing emotion or allowing the reader to make deeper connections of their own with the unfolding story. Right now i’m working on a larger piece about a researcher and their creation; and exploring themes of ethical responsibility in science and the corruption and power of nature.

Currently, I have a site that houses my illustration work and a few comic pieces: shayungerer.com. I’m revamping my comics specific spaces right now, and those will be connected to this site. Otherwise, I’m always updating progress on Twitter @hamscrapo.


By Shay Ungerer.