New Year Old Comics 15: Jeremy Sorese

While fundraising for CBLOM, I wanted to try to recreate the experience of being in a library with no purpose at hand other than to look at books, dragging a finger across a row of spines, and seeing a strange name or beautiful design or unknown book by a beloved author. This is not a list of best books. It’s not a new canon. It’s only an attempt at recreating the experience of a browsing a large and unstinted collection of comic books in the CBLOM catalog.

Jeremy Sorese
Sorese’s Curveball is a neon sherbet future where people love as they please. It’s one of the frankest looks at nonbinary and genderqueer relationships I’ve seen in a comic. That same measured eye is brought to technology; Curveball is a story about how tech brings us together, makes us lonely, and everything in between.


Also, Sorese writes Steven Universe comics! Which is a perfect fit since it’s a show about queer romance and friendship and vulnerability.

In the library:
Steven Universe

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